The Super Lollis
The Super Lollis, a multi-award-winning six-episode documentary series, explores the journey of a family as they collectively embrace fitness. This acclaimed series not only catapulted TereZa into the fitness world but also definitively showcased Anthony and TereZa's expertise in creating captivating documentaries that resonate with audiences worldwide.
An amazing transformation
In a 6 episode masterpiece
Ep 1 - More than just a mom
Anthony and Tereza head down to Florida to compete in the WBFF Competition, it is the start of their journey together as a couple and Tereza's first ever bodybuilding show.
Ep 2 - You can be it all
Tereza competes in the OCB federation which is a drug tested event. They then both travel to Christian Guzmans Summer Shredding event, where Anthony swaps from Transformation to Muscle Model.
Ep 3 - Train together, stay together
Anthony and Tereza are learning that they have to make sacrifices on this journey and it's taking it's toll on the family. They head to the UK to compete in one of the few bodybuilding couple competitions.
Ep 4 - From average joes to pros
We head to Vegas to prepare for the World Championships, meeting the other Transformation Icons along the way who have all been involved in Anthony's journey, and the women of RBT who Tereza has helped inspire.
Ep 5 - How the f did you lose all that weight?
The couple do their final stage routine, after sacrificing so much, will they come out on top? After the competition they head to Sunscreen Film Festival to receive awards for their documentary.
Ep 6 - The unbreakables
Anthony sets up a competition for other transformation people around the globe. See the men and women who have battled heart attacks, strokes, cancer and more compete on stage together and win some grand prizes.
The Stars Involved
Whilst competing so many times we met many other stars in the world of transformation & fitness.
Alex Porro
Allison Dillett
Christian Guzman
David Herrera
Janine Armstrong
JeanCarlo Daniels
Jim Gunning
Joan MacDonald
Karim Hawash
Mark Lussier
Michael Bernstein
Team Dynasty
Toby Harrison Posing
Tom Coleman
Wole Adesemoye
Yaslene Clemente
Zoey Wright